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The Effect of A Solar Heat Storage System Applied in The Solar Greenhouse(PDF)


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The Effect of A Solar Heat Storage System Applied in The Solar Greenhouse
LIU Bo-congQU MeiMIAO Yan-xiuCHEN Qing-yun
College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193
solar heat storage systemsolar greenhouseefficiencyheat storagetemperature
S 626.5
Aiming at how to improve the temperature of the solar greenhouse and provide suitable environment for vegetables in winter,the effect of a solar heat storage system was studied.This system could absorb the solar energy and transformed into the water energy during the day,then transferred to the soil energy through underground pipes during the night,thereby improving the air temperature.According to the heat-flow pattern,the results showed that the average efficiency of solar collectors was 40.6%;the average heat storage efficiency of the solar heat storage system was 70.9%,what’s more,it could improve the water temperature by 18.0℃ and this system could store an average heat quantity of 55.6 MJ in three different weather conditions.With this system,the average air temperature was 13.9℃,increased 4.4℃;-20 cm and-40 cm soil temperature were maintained at 19℃,improved 3~5℃ at night.These results showed the solar heat storage system had a good heat storage capacity,it could effectively improve the air temperature and soil temperature and provide suitable environment for vegetable crops.


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Last Update: 2014-09-04