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Effects of Different Pruning and Leaf Quantities on the Photosynthetic Characteristics,Yield and Quality of Grafted Watermelons


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Effects of Different Pruning and Leaf Quantities on the Photosynthetic Characteristics,Yield and Quality of Grafted Watermelons
YANG DongyanWANG DanSANG TingZHAO Yunxia
(Horticulture Research Institute,Ningxia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciciences,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750002)
grafting small watermelonspruningleaf numbersphotosynthetic characteristicsroot morphology
S 651
Taking grafted watermelons as the test materials,the effects of different pruning and leaf quantities on the photosynthetic parameters,plant dry matter accumulation,root morphology,yield and quality were studied by the substrate tank culture method,in order to provide reference for improving the yield and quality of grafted watermelons.The results showed that the number of leaves on different lateral vines significantly affected the photosynthetic rate of main vine leaves and plant material accumulation.As the total number of leaves increased from 25 to 45,the photosynthetic rate,stem and leaf dry matter,and fruit soluble solids of the main vine also significantly increased.However,the root dry matter and yield decreased under the highest level in the 40 leaf treatment.The root morphology indicators were significantly positively correlated with soluble sugar content in fruits.The root dry matter mass,root length,root surface area,and volume of the 40 leaf treatment were higher than those of other treatments,especially in the root length,root tip number,and root tip length within the diameter range of 0-0.5 mm,and the projected area and surface area within the diameter range of 0.5-2.0 mm were significantly higher than those of other treatments.Therefore,it is recommended to graft small watermelons in production and retain 2 lateral vines,with 10 and 5 leaves removed from the top respectively,which can increase watermelon yield and improve quality.


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Last Update: 2025-02-13