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Cloning and Expression of F3′H Gene in Impatiens uliginosa


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Cloning and Expression of F3′H Gene in Impatiens uliginosa
MA HuiLIN FuyongLI FanLIANG GuangrongJIN MengmengHUANG Meijuan
(College of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture Sciences,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming,Yunnan 650224)
Impatiens uliginosaF3′H geneflower colorgene cloningexpression analysis
S 681.1
Taking Impatiens uliginosa as the test material,three F3′H gene,named IuF3′H1,IuF3′H2 and IuF3′H3,were successfully cloned by RT-PCR technique.Using DNAMAN and MEGA software,homology and phylogenetic analyses of the protein sequences encoded by the F3′H gene,and the expression patterns of the IuF3′H gene by qRT-PCR was analyzed.The mechanism of the F3′H gene of Impatiens uliginosa in the regulation of the flower colours in the plant was researched,in order to provide reference for the subsequent validation of the functions of the genes and the breeding of the flower colours in the plant.The results showed that the full lengths of the cDNAs of IuF3′H1,IuF3′H2 and IuF3′H3 were 1 560 bp,1 545 bp and 1 521 bp,respectively,and encoded 519,514 and 506 amino acids;none of the IuF3′H1,IuF3′H2 and IuF3′H3 genes had introns,and all their proteins belonged to the CYP450 family.Phylogenetic analysis showed that the IuF3′H1,IuF3′H2 and IuF3′H3 genes were all clustered with Impatiens glandulifera,which were closest in affinity but in two different branches.qRT-PCR analysis showed that the three copies were expressed in two different flower colors (white and red) and bud stage,primordial stage,blooming stage,flowering shedding stage in Impatiens uliginosa,among which the expression of IuF3′H1 gene reached the strongest in the flower shedding stage of red flowers;the expression of IuF3′H2 gene in two flower colors showed an increasing trend with the continuous development of flowers;the expression of IuF3′H3 gene was significantly higher in the blooming period of red flowers than other periods.Therefore,it was hypothesized that IuF3′H gene play important roles in the synthesis of the flower color glycosides of Impatiens uliginosa,and their roles were more significant in the middle and late stages of flower development.


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Last Update: 2025-02-13