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Effects of Isatidis radix on Yield and Quality of Auricularia heimuer


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Effects of Isatidis radix on Yield and Quality of Auricularia heimuer
WANG JinheWANG YanfengSHENG ChungeYU HaiyangZHAO JingWANG Fei
(Mudanjiang Branch,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Mudanjiang,Heilongjiang 157041)
Isatidis radixAuricularia heimueryieldnutritional ingredientcorrelation analysis
S 646.6
Taking Isatidis radix as the experimental material,sawdust medium as the control,four Isatidis radix addition treatments were set up.The effect of Isatidis radix extract on the growth of A.heimuer mycelium was studied by bag cultivation method.The effects of Isatidis radix on the yield and nutritional components of A.heimuer and their correlation were studied,in order to provide reference for the production of traditional Chinese medicine black fungus.The results showed that adding appropriate amount of Isatidis radix could significantly promote the growth of mycelium and fruiting body of A.heimuer.The mycelial growth rate of 5% Isatidis radix extract was the highest.Adding 2% Isatidis radix had the highest yield and biological efficiency.The content of total sugar and protein in A.heimuer fruiting body increased significantly were significantly increased by adding 10% Isatidis radix .The content of five nucleotides in the fruiting body of A.heimuer was reduced,but the content of crude fat and (R,S)-goitrin did not show significant effect.In addition,the study also found that there was a significant correlation between the yield of black fungus and protein content,total sugar content and CMP content,IMP content,IMP content and CMP content,AMP content (P<0.05).In summary,Isatidis radix could be applied to the cultivation of A.heimuer.Appropriate addition of Isatidis radix in the culture medium not only promoted the growth of A.heimuer mycelium and fruiting body,improved the nutritional active components in the fruiting body of A.heimuer,but also provided new ideas and methods for the resource utilization of Chinese medicine residue.


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Last Update: 2025-01-16