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Research on the Development of Digital Empowerment of Smart Agriculture in Heilongjiang Province Under the New Quality Productivity


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Research on the Development of Digital Empowerment of Smart Agriculture in Heilongjiang Province Under the New Quality Productivity
YANG Yu12ZHANG Shuchang1CHENG Wenjie1LI Jianjun12
(1.School of Computer and Information Engineering,Harbin University of Commerce,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150028;2.Heilongjiang Cultural Big Data Theory Application Research Center,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150028)
new quality productivityHeilongjiang Provincedigital empowermentsmart agriculture
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The new quality productivity is a productive force based on scientific and technological innovation,and it is a more integrated and new productive force in the digital era.Under the new quality of productivity,digital empowerment provides important support for the development of smart agriculture.As the ‘ballast stone’ of national food security,Heilongjiang Province should seize the opportunity of agricultural science and technology revolution and accelerate the development of smart agriculture.In view of the problems of backward infrastructure,smallscale farmer economy,lack of digital awareness,data privacy risks,lack of talent and technology,and low conversion rate of achievements in smart agriculture in Heilongjiang Province at this stage,countermeasures and suggestions such as strengthening infrastructure construction,strengthening agricultural cooperation,strengthening digital awareness,controlling data security,cultivating professional talents,and guiding the direction of achievement transformation are put forward,so as to drive the new development of smart agriculture in Heilongjiang Province and inject new impetus into accelerating the formation of new quality productivity.


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Last Update: 2025-02-10