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Utilization and Effect Analysis of Seedling Substrate of Volcanic Rock With Different Particle Size and Cow Dung Straw


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Utilization and Effect Analysis of Seedling Substrate of Volcanic Rock With Different Particle Size and Cow Dung Straw
XIE Minghao12CHEN Guoshuang2PIAO Shiling1LIU Dongxu12LI Chen12
(1.College of Agriculture,Yanbian University,Yanji,Jilin 133002;2.Institute of Northeast Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun,Jilin 130102)
peatvolcanic rockseedling substrate
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Taking rape as the test material,the physical and chemical characteristics of the substrate and the effect on the growth and development of rape were studied by using plug seedling technique, in order to achieve the goal of replacing peat. The results showed that the matrix quality of group A(> 5 mm grain size) and group B (3-5 mm grain size) was better than CK, and the matrix quality of Group A1 was the highest.The effect of C1 and C2 treatments was better than that of other treatments. The quality of D (<1 mm grain size) volcanic rock matrix was worse than CK, and the effect of different grain size volcanic rock matrix was different, 1-3 mm grain size volcanic rock was more suitable for breeding rape. Adding 10%-30% (1-3 mm, 3-5 mm,>5 mm) volcanic rock could be used as seedling substrate material, which could improve the nutrient and physical properties of the substrate itself. The bulk density increased with the decrease of the size of volcanic rock, and decreased with the increase of the amount of volcanic rock added, but the size of volcanic rock less than 1 mm increased with the increase of the amount of volcanic rock added. The aeration porosity increased with the increase of particle size and addition, and the water-holding porosity decreased with the increase of particle size and addition, but the total porosity did not change with the change of particle size and addition. The nutrient content of substrate with the same volume ratio showed a decreasing trend. In the process of seedling cultivation, different size and different proportion of volcanic rock should be added according to the nutrient demand of the seedling.


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Last Update: 2024-10-29