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Fruit Growth and Development Dynamics of Different Combinations of Pear×Apple Distant Hybridization


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Fruit Growth and Development Dynamics of Different Combinations of Pear×Apple Distant Hybridization
MA Wenyao1FAN Wenqi2WANG Xiaoxiang1HOU Ruining1ZHANG Yu1REN Aihua1
(1.Horticultural Sub-academy,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150069;2.College of Horticulture,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193)
pear×appledistant hybridizationfruit growth
S 661.1;S 661.2
Taking the pear strain ‘79-1’,the strain ‘1273’ and the apple varieties ‘Hanfu’‘Fushi’‘Qincui’‘Yuehua’‘Lingdang’ and ‘Haihong’ as the test materials,four combinations of pear strain ‘79-1’ and big apple were designed to be crossed,and two combinations of pear strain ‘79-1’ and small apple were designed.Two pear cultivars, cultivar ‘79-1’, cultivar ‘1273’,and the same paternal parent (mixed pollen) combination,were selected to study the fruit hardness,soluble solids content,calyx removal rate,growth and development dynamics of their offspring,as well as the effects of different paternal parent fruit hardness,soluble solids content,calyx removal rate,single fruit weight, and fruit shape index on their correlation,in order to provide reference for elucidating the genetic laws related to distant hybridization.The results showed that the effect of the female parent on the fruit setting rate was much greater than that of the male parent in the distant crossing,and had little effect on the number of seeds per fruit.Mixed pollination could increase the number of seeds per fruit.Fruit firmness,soluble solids content,single fruit weight,fruit shape index were negatively correlated with the removal rate,and the number of seeds in the fruit was positively correlated with fruit weight,but the correlation was not significant.The longitudinal diameter,transverse diameter and volume growth of different combinations of distant hybrid fruits were not consistent,but the growth dynamics were in line with the S-shaped growth curve.And the longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter of the fruit were not synchronized.The increase in volume in the late fruit stage was mainly due to the increase in transverse diameter.The fruit volume of the small apple as the male parent grew faster than the large apple from late July to early August.This suggested that the fruit growth dynamics of small apples were different from those of large apples.


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Last Update: 2024-12-03