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Effects of Coconut Coir Ecological Conservation Substrate Cultivation on Quality and Yield of Peppers


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Effects of Coconut Coir Ecological Conservation Substrate Cultivation on Quality and Yield of Peppers
WANG Zhijun123WANG Zhiwei12HUANG Lei12
(1.College of Energy & Power Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050;2.Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Smart Agriculture Irrigation Equipment Key Laboratory,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050;3.Baiyin New Materials Research Institute,Lanzhou University of Technology,Baiyin,Gansu 730900)
coconut coir-type ecological conservation substratepepper plantinggrowth charactergobi ecological agriculturesoil improvement
S 641.3
Ganke No.4’ pepper was used as the experimental material,and the local conventional cultivation as the control group (CK).The greenhouse cultivation test method was used to study the coconut coir,aeolian sandy soil,artificial peat and organic fertilizer were mixed to form a modular ecological conservation substrate of 5∶2∶1∶3 (T1),4∶3∶1∶3 (T2),3.5∶3.5∶1∶3 (T3),3∶4∶1∶3 (T4),2∶5∶1∶3 (T5),1∶6∶1∶3 (T6),and 0∶7∶1∶3 (T7) on the growth characteristics and yield of chili peppers,in order to provide a new path for exploring the industrialized soil improvement and the development of characteristic ecological agriculture in the western gobi area.The results showed that under different growth stages,T2-T5 treatment could promote the plant height,stem diameter,plant width,with root system,quality and yield of pepper increasing significantly,either,and the quality and yield increased first and then decreased with the increase of coconut coir content.Compared with CK especially,the number of fruits and yield per plant increased by 9.47% and 19.68% respectively under T5 treatment.Additionally,the comprehensive evaluation of the quality and yield of each treatment by VIKOR method demonstrated that the quality and yield of pepper under T5 treatment was the best,with the smallest benefit ratio 0.019.Results further prove that coconut coir ecological conservation substrate (coconut coir content accounted for 30%-55%) was suitable for pepper cultivation on desert Gobi areas.


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Last Update: 2024-07-16