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Investigation on Traits of Hybrids From the Cross of ‘Tokun’ and ‘Benihoppe’ in Strawberry


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Investigation on Traits of Hybrids From the Cross of ‘Tokun’ and ‘Benihoppe’ in Strawberry
ZHU QingsongCHEN JuanjuanWANG NanaLI LiangjieDONG XiangxiangGONG Shoufu
(School of Horticulture,Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University,Xinyang,Henan 464000)
strawberryhybridizationfruit quality
S 668.4
Decaploid strawberry ‘Tokun’ and octoploid ‘Benihoppe’ were used as parents to cross to improve their fruit quality,the morphology and fruit quality of the hybrids were studied,in order to provide reference for the cross breeding of the decaploid and octoploid strawberry.The results showed that the fruit setting rates of ‘Benihoppe × Tokun’ and ‘Tokun × Benihoppe’ were 42.86% and 15.71% respectively,and the germination rates were 36.72% and 12.94% respectively,the seedlings of ‘Tokun × Benihoppe’ were died ultimately.The botanical traits of the hybrid offspring were different from parents and most of them were mostly between their parents,such as leaves and flowers,but the fruit size was mostly lower than that of both parents.The fruit shapes were segregated in their hybrid offspring with deformities,oval,spherical,flat spherical,conical,long conical and short conical,most of which were abnormal.The biggest variation in fruit traits was single fruit weight,with the variance coefficient of 56.70%.The hybrids ‘HT235’ ‘HT245’ ‘HT277’ ‘HT300’ and ‘HT302’ had many fruits and no deformed fruits,which had high utilization value.‘HT110’ and ‘HT325’ with strong fruit aromas and big fruits could be used as intermediate materials for the cultivation of new varieties of white-fruit strawberry cultivars.


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Last Update: 2024-07-18