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Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits and Ginsenoside Content of the Cultivated Ginseng in Different Years


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Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits and Ginsenoside Content of the Cultivated Ginseng in Different Years
FAN Yong12LU Yilong12LI Xu12LIU Ying12SUN Wensong12
(1.Liaoning Research Institute of Cash Crops,Liaoyang,Liaoning 111000;2.Institute of Medicinal Plants,Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Liaoyang,Liaoning 111000)
different yearscultivated ginsengagronomic traitsroot biomassginsenoside
R 284.1
The four different growth years of cultivated ginseng were used as experimental materials,field experiment method and UPLC-Q/TRAP MS were used to study the agronomic traits,root biomass and ginsenoside content,which enriched the harvesting theory of ginseng medicinal materials,in order to provide reference for exploring the growth patterns and harvesting periods of cultivated ginseng.The results showed that with the increase of growth years of the cultivated ginseng,the plant height,stem diameter,leaf length,petiole length,root length and taproot length were significantly higher than those of the previous year,and the taproot diameter of Y5 and Y4 was significantly higher than that of the other two years.The fresh weight of root,fresh weight of taproot,dry weight of root,and dry weight of taproot of each year were significantly higher than those of the previous year.In the analysis of lateral root drying rate,Y5 was significantly higher than Y4.The content of ginsenoside Rg1 in the taproot showed a gradual increasing trend,while that in lateral root increased first and then decreased,reaching its maximum value in Y3.The content of ginsenoside Re and Rb1 in the taproot and lateral roots was the highest in Y2.The content of ginsenoside Rd in the taproot and lateral roots was the highest in Y2 and Y3,respectively.The fresh weight of taproot and the content of ginsenoside Rg1 were significantly positively correlated with various agronomic traits.Therefore,the agronomic traits of cultivated ginseng in different years were positively correlated with root biomass,and the selection of plants with strong main stem and large leaves was conducive to the increase of medicinal material yield,but the ginsenoside contents of cultivated ginseng in different years and different parts were different greatly.


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Last Update: 2024-07-24