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Pluteus vellingae,a Newly Recorded Species of Pluteus Pers. in China


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Pluteus vellingae,a Newly Recorded Species of Pluteus Pers. in China
ZHANG YongWANG JingyiLI QingLIU ShuqinWANG Shurong
(College of Food Science and Engineering,Shanxi Agricultural University,Jinzhong,Shanxi 030801)
Pluteus Pers.identificationnew recordphylogenetic analysis
S 646.1
Two fungal specimens of the genus Pluteus Pers.collected during the investigation of wild macrofungal resources in Shanxi Province were used as test materials.Morphological identification methods were used,and bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic trees were constructed based on the rDNA ITS region.The macroscopic and microscopic morphological characteristics and phylogenetic relationships were studied,in order to supplement the species and distribution of the genus Pluteus in China.The results showed that the typical characteristics of this species were the smaller basidiomata,the yellow-brown pileus,the white context,the light-yellow lamellae,the light-yellow to bright yellow stipe,the yellow context in the stipe,globose,subglobose,or broadly ellipsoid spores,(5.8-7.5)μm×(5.1-6.3)μm,and the well-developed cheilocystidia,pleurocystidia and caulocystidia.The sequences of this species were clustered into a branch with the model species Pluteus vellingae,and the result of molecular phylogenetic highly support that of morphological research.Based on morphological and phylogenetic analysis,this species was indentified as a new chinese record as Pluteus vellingae.This species was widely distributed in North America,Europe,and Asia in the Northern Hemisphere,and belongs to the North temperate distribution species.


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Last Update: 2024-05-21