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Effects of Different Organic Water Soluble Fertilizers on Growth and Soil Microbial Community Structure of Ginseng


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Effects of Different Organic Water Soluble Fertilizers on Growth and Soil Microbial Community Structure of Ginseng
LIU Ying12SUN Wensong12LI Xu12LU Yilong12ZHENG Zeyang3LIU Bing4
(1.Liaoning Research Institute of Cash Crops,Liaoyang,Liaoning 111000;2.Institute of Medicinal Plants,Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Liaoyang,Liaoning 111000;3.Liaoning Economic Forest Research Institute,Dalian,Liaoning 116031;4.Liaoning Province Liaoyang Ecology & Environment Monitoring Center,Liaoyang,Liaoning 111000)
Panax ginsengorganic fertilizerssoil microorganismhigh throughput sequencing
S 567.51
Taking 5-year-old ginseng as the test material,a completely randomized group design was used,and 150 kg·hm-2 of each F12,Futian(FT),special fertilizers for ginseng(RSZY) of 3 organic water soluble fertilizers were set up.The effects of organic fertilizers on ginseng growth and soil microbial environment were studied to screen the suitable fertilizer and provide reference for quality production.The results showed that RSZY and F12 increased the stem diameter,leaf length,leaf width,petiole length,taproot diameter,root fresh weight,and quality (Re,Rb1) of ginseng compared with control.While there was no significant difference in the growth and quality of ginseng between FT and control.The root weight with no significant was 44.81 g and 48.09 g,and Re with no significant difference was 16.15 mg·g-1 and 16.72 mg·g-1,while Rb1 with significant difference was 33.37 mg·g-1 and 27.59 mg·g-1 in RSZY and F12,respectively.In soil microorganisms,the relative abundance of Proteobacteria decreased 15.3%,6.07% and 11.24%,and the relative abundance of Acidobacteria increased 30.35%,12.42% and 19.41% in F12,FT and RSZY,respectively.In fungal community,the relative abundance of Ascomycota decreased by 20.13% and 5.87% in F12 and FT,respectively,while increased by 2.82% in RSZY.The relative abundances of Basidiomycota increased by 78.31%,67.85% and 36.83% in F12,FT and RSZY,respectively.RSZY was conducive to increase plant height,leaf length,and taproot diameter,especially enhance Re and Rb1.The community diversity and structure of soil bacteria and fungi were changed by three organic fertilizers,exhibiting bacterial diversity increased and fungal diversity decreased,and the microbial environment of soil was improved in a certain extent,which laid a foundation for the promotion of biological organic fertilizer.


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Last Update: 2024-05-21