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Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Phenotypic Traits of Dry Pepper Germplasm Resources


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Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Phenotypic Traits of Dry Pepper Germplasm Resources
ZHU ZhenhuaPU DanYANG YangZHAO GuantaoNIU Tong
(Gansu Yasheng Industrial (Group) Co.Ltd.,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000)
dry pepperphenotypic traitgenetic diversity
S 641.3
Taking 32 dry pepper germplasm resources collected in China as test materials,and used genetic diversity analysis,variation level analysis,correlation analysis,principal component analysis,and cluster analysis to study the effects of the relationship between different types of germplasm resources for genetic diversity of phenotypic traits,in order to provide reference for germplasm resources innovation and breeding of dried pepper.The results showed that the coefficient of variation was 12.47%-81.54%,and the genetic diversity index was between 0.37-2.03 of 23 phenotypic traits.There was a correlation between most phenotypic traits,with plant size and leaf size showed a highly significant positive correlation with single fruit quality and flesh thickness,and mature fruit color showed a highly significant positive correlation with plant type,fruit size,and immature fruit color.Through principal component analysis,23 phenotypic traits of dry pepper were transformed into 6 principal component factors,and the cumulative contribution rate reached 75.14%.Cluster analysis could divide the 32 dry pepper resources into 5 categories.The first group had plant height,large leaves,long conical and dark red color of fruit.The second kind of group plant was short,the leaf was small,the fruit was slender,easy to dry and had a large number of fruits.The third group of plants was short and compact,with tomentose internodes,small leaves,short conical and concave tops of fruit,and thin flesh.The fourth kind of group plant type was semi-open,the leaf was large,the fruit was big bull horny,the single fruit was heavy,the pulp was thick,and it was not easy to dry.The fifth group contained more germplasm,the fruit was mostly sheep horny,pointed fruit top.


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Last Update: 2024-04-11