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Response of Walnut Tissue Cultures to Blight Bacteria Infection


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Response of Walnut Tissue Cultures to Blight Bacteria Infection
AN XiuhongWANG NingCHEN YikeZHANG WenlongWANG Hongxia
(Mountainous Areas Research Institute,Hebei Agricultural University/Technology Innovation Center for Agriculture in Mountainous Areas of Hebei Province/National Engineering Research Center for Agriculture in Northern Mountainous Areas,Baoding,Hebei 071001)
walnutblight bacteriaantioxidant enzyme activitysecondary metabolitesphytohormone
S 664.1
‘Qingxiang’ and ‘Zanmei’ walnut tissue cultures were used as experimental materials and were inoculated with Pantoea agglomerans by stem wound immersion.The effects of walnut blight bacteria on the physiological and biochemical changes of the two varieties were studied,in order to provide reference for the control of walnut blight bacteria.The results showed that the contents of chlorophyll and soluble sugar and photosynthetic capacity in ‘Qingxiang’ and ‘Zanmei’ tissue cultures were decreased after bacteria inoculation.SOD activity increased in both varieties,while POD and CAT activities showed opposite changes at the beginning of inoculation and then showed the same trend.The total phenol content of the two varieties increased first and then decreased.At the beginning of inoculation,the content of flavonoids in ‘Qingxiang’ first increased and then decreased,while the flavonoid content in ‘Zanmei’ changed little.The changes of plant hormones were different after inoculation.The contents of IAA and ZT increased in ‘Qingxiang’,and first decreased and then increased in ‘Zanmei’.KT content increased in ‘Qingxiang’,but there was no significant difference in ‘Zanmei’.GA content increased in both varieties.ABA content decreased in ‘Qingxiang’ but increased first and then decreased in ‘Zanmei’.SA content in ‘Qingxiang’ increased first,then decreased,and then increased,while the content in ‘Zanmei’ decreased continuously.This study preliminarily determined that the increase of total polyphenols,flavonoids,plant hormones IAA,ZT and SA in tissue cultures was closely related to the resistance of walnut blight.


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Last Update: 2024-05-09