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Effects of Water and Fertilizer Synergies on Growth and Utilization of Water and Fertilizer in Chinese Cabbage


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Effects of Water and Fertilizer Synergies on Growth and Utilization of Water and Fertilizer in Chinese Cabbage
LIU Yingchao1LIU Wei1HUANG Min1ZHANG Xiaozhuo2WAN Shanping3
(1.College of Agronomy and Life Sciences,Kunming University,Kunming,Yunnan 650214;2.Yunnan Nongjiale Compound Fertilizer Co.Ltd.,Kunming,Yunnan 650200;3.College of Resource and Environment,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming,Yunnan 650201)
Chinese cabbageapply fertilizernutrient utilizationwater use
S 634.3
The common Chinese cabbage variety ‘Zhenlyu’ in Yunnan was taken as the test material,pot experiment was conducted to adopt T0 (no fertilization),T1 reduced fertilization (fertilizer amount were 80% of the normal integrated fertilization) and T2 normal fertilization (integrated fertilization).The effects of water and fertilizer application on the growth and water and nutrient utilization efficiency of Chinese cabbage in different periods were studied,in order to provide reference for utilization of water and fertilizer.The results showed that,compared with T0,the dry weight of T1 increased by 64.7%-108.5%,plant height increased by 13.2%-68.0%,leaf number increased by 2.4%-38.0%,leaf width increased by 10.9%-61.7% and the water utilization rate increased by 72.0%-120.% times during 18 days to 36 days at the same period.T2 treatment increased dry weight by 104.4%-190.5%,plant height by 20.0%-135.0%,the number of blades increased by 16.5%-69.8%,the width of blades increased by 70.0%-108.8% and the water utilization rate increased by 75.0%-163.6% during the 18th to 36th day.There was no significant difference in root length among all treatments.Compared with the previous growth period,the nitrogen and potassium absorption efficiency increased by 45.5% and 58.2% under T1 treatment after 30 days of growth,and increased by 62.5% and 61.1% under T2 treatment after 30 days of growth.There was no significant difference between T1 and T2 treatment.In conclusion,water and fertilizer Synergies could significantly promote the growth of cabbage.However,moderate reduction of fertilizer input (T1) did not affect root growth and water and nutrient use efficiency of cabbage.


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Last Update: 2024-06-06