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Agriculture Production Efficiency and Its Social Network,Factor Contribution Rate Analysis in Henan Province


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Agriculture Production Efficiency and Its Social Network,Factor Contribution Rate Analysis in Henan Province
ZHANG Aoxiang1MIAO Chenglin12LIU Liling1LI Guoqing1WANG Xinxin1
(1.School of Economics and Management,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan,Anhui 232001;2.School of Business Administration,Shandong Technology and Business University,Yantai,Shandong 264005)
agricultural production efficiencysocial networkfactor contribution rateUn-Su-SBM
F 323
Human,land,energy and output data related to agricultural production of 18 prefecture-level cities in Henan Province from 2012 to 2021 were taken to construct the agricultural production efficiency measurement system in Henan Province,measured the agricultural production efficiency through the Un-Su-SBM model,calculate the degree of connectivity between the prefecture-level cities by adopting the gravitational model,and binarize it to construct a connectivity network,a computational network Characteristics.Statistical theory was applied to decompose the variance of input factors and calculate the factor contribution rate.The results showed that the agricultural productivity of prefecture-level cities in Henan Province showed a gradual upward trend,average annual growth rate of 3.15%.The coefficient of variation increasing from 0.087 2 in the early stage to fluctuating around 0.114 1 in the middle and late stages,and the degree of regional differences increasing.The social network structure in Henan Province was relatively stable,roughly forming three major urban circles;the network characteristics showed an increase in density but a decrease in efficiency,with a certain redundancy relationship;through the variance decomposition,it was concluded that the contribution of labor was the highest,and the use of water resources was not efficient enough.For the sustainable development of agriculture in Henan Province,relevant suggestions were made to alleviate the labor force,network structure and underutilization of resources.


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Last Update: 2024-05-21