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Identification and Expression Analysis of Lilium SWEET Family Genes Based on Transcriptome Data


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Identification and Expression Analysis of Lilium SWEET Family Genes Based on Transcriptome Data
YANG ChenglongXU XiaopingZHENG YipingGUO WenjieFANG Shaozhong
(Institute of Biotechnology,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou,Fujian 350003)
Liliumtranscriptome sequencingSWEET gene family
S 682.29
The oriental Lilium hybrids ‘Siberia’ was used as experimental material.The physical and chemical properties,secondary structure,phylogeny,conserved domains,Motifs and gene expression patterns of SWEET gene family members in Lilium were studied by bioinformatics,the SWEET gene family members of Lilium were identified and explored their role in steam bulblet development,in order to provide reference for the biological function of these genes and further study in molecular mechanism of bulblet formation.The results showed that 12 SWEET genes were identified from the transcriptome data,and all the proteins of the family members were relatively stable hydrophobic proteins,and all contained the MtN3_slv domain,which could be divided into 4 subfamilies.Different gene family members performed different expression level during bulblet formation and development stage.


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Last Update: 2024-03-01