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Effects of Hole Storage Bricks on Nutrient Content and Soil Pysical and Chemical Properties of Pear Trees in Sandy Land


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Effects of Hole Storage Bricks on Nutrient Content and Soil Pysical and Chemical Properties of Pear Trees in Sandy Land
LI YanshuXIAO ManZHAO FengyunZHANG HuanhuanZHANG GuangxinYU Kun
(College of Agriculture,Shihezi University/Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Key Laboratory of Special Fruits and Vegetables Cultivation Physiology and Germplasm Resources Utilization,Shihezi,Xinjiang 832003)
hole storage drip irrigationsandy soilpearplant growthphysical and chemical properties
S 661.2
Taking ‘Adan’ pear tree as the test material,and three treatments were set,control (CK),hole storage brick A (T1) and hole storage brick B (T2),the effects of these treatments on the nutrient content and soil pysical and chemical properties of ‘Adan’ pear trees planted in heavy salt and alkali sandy land in southern Xinjiang were studied,in order to provide reference for improving the southern Xinjiang orchard water and fertilizer infiltration.The results showed that the application of fruit-hole storage bricks could significantly improve the biomass and mineral nutrient content in root,stem and leaves of ‘Adan’.The application of hole storage bricks significantly increased the soil water content in 0-60 cm soil layer of ‘Adan’ pear trees during one irrigation cycle,and increased the contents of total N,total P,total K,alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium and organic matter in 0-80 cm soil layer of ‘Adan’ pear varieties,and the improvement effect of T1 and T2 treatment was most significant in 20-40 cm soil layer.Total N content,total P content and total K content were increased by 20.42% and 17.08%,20.18% and 12.65%,18.58% and 8.47%,respectively.In summary,the application of T1 and T2 treatment of fruit tree storage bricks could promote the soil physical and chemical properties and growth of ‘Adan’ pear trees in southern Xinjiang,and the promoting effect was T1>T2>CK.


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Last Update: 2024-03-15