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Effects of Rotating Cruciferous Vegetables on the Microbiotic Environment of Strawberry Soil


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Effects of Rotating Cruciferous Vegetables on the Microbiotic Environment of Strawberry Soil
SHI FangfangWANG HaiqiFENG Jiao
(Agricultural Science Research Institute of the 12th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Urumchi,Xinjiang 830088)
biomass returning to the fieldsoil microorganismshigh-throughput sequencingenzyme activityphenolic acid substances
S 668.4
Five different kinds of cruciferous vegetables were used as the test materials.The strawberry rhizosphere soil was collected as the blank control,and the soil after the vegetables were returned to the field which was used as the treatment group.The technology of the soil microbial culture,high-throughput sequencing,extracting the phenolic acid material and detecting the enzyme activity was used.The three major soil microbial groups,soil microbial species,phenolic acid and enzyme activities were used to analyse.The changes of soil microbiological environment of cruciferous vegetables returned to the field were studied,in order to provide reference for the improvement of continuous strawberry soil.The results showed that the proportion of bacteria in the microbial culture treatment group was significantly higher than that in the control group;the high-throughput sequencing results showed that the diversity of bacteria and fungi in the control group increased,but the proportion of Ascomycota was higher;the test results of phenolic acid substances in vegetables showed that the best antibacterial effect was crowndaisy chrysanthemum;the test results of soil enzyme activity showed that the enzyme activity in the cabbage treatment group increased the most.The return of cruciferous vegetables had an influence on the three major soil flora,microbial communities,diversity and soil enzyme activity.In general,crowndaisy chrysanthemum had the greatest impact on the microscopic environment of strawberry soil,and it could be promoted in the production to improve the soil.


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Last Update: 2024-10-29