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Identification and Screening Fungicide of the Pathogen of Gray Mold on Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao


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Identification and Screening Fungicide of the Pathogen of Gray Mold on Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao
WANG Fanfan1MAO Ting1TANG Tao12DUAN Yuanyuan1GUO Xiaoliang12YOU Jingmao1
(1.Institute of Chinese Herbel Medicine,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory for Biology and Cultivation of Chinese Medicinal Materials of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Hubei Standardized Production of Traditional Chinese Medicine (GAP) Engineering Research Center,Enshi,Hubei 445000;2.Hubei Provincial Engineering Research Center of Under-forest Economy,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan,Hubei 430064)
Fritillaria hupehensis HsiaoBotrytis sp.molecular biologybiological characteristicsfungicide
S 567.9
Taking the Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao disease samples as the specimen,and tissue separation method and mycelium growth rate method were used,the pathogen species of F.hupehensis Hsiao was identified and the effects of different fungicides on the pathogen was studied,in order to provide reference for the effective prevention and control of gray mold on F.hupehensis Hsiao.The results showed that the pathogen of gray mold on F.hupehensis Hsiao belongs to Botrytis sp.,which was a new species.The optimum environment for mycelial growth of strain BMXTX2 was pH 4 and 20 ℃.Glucose and beef extract were the best carbon and nitrogen sources respectively.The results of toxicity measurement showed that 430 g·L-1tebuconazole SC,8% flusilazole ME and 500 g·L-1 fluazinam SC had strong inhibitory effect on the pathogen in the chemical fungicide,with EC50values of 0.15 mg·L-1,0.48 mg·L-1 and 0.98 mg·L-1,respectively.Among the biological fungicide,1% osthole EW and 80% ethylicin EC had a good antibacterial effect,with EC50<10 mg·L-1,which could be used as candidate agents.To our knowledge,this was the first report of Botrytis sp.causing gray mold on F.hupehensis Hsiao,and the five kinds of fungicides screened in this study will provide reference for the effective prevention and control of gray mold on F.hupehensis Hsiao.


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Last Update: 2023-11-16