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Spatiotemporal Expression Pattern Analysis of Tulipa gesneriana L. HKT1 Gene Involved in Salt Stress Response


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Spatiotemporal Expression Pattern Analysis of Tulipa gesneriana L. HKT1 Gene Involved in Salt Stress Response
ZHANG GuoliZHANG MengjieHE JindiJU Xiuting
(College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,Qinghai University/The Key Laboratory of Landscape Plants of Qinghai Province/Plateau Flower Research Center of Qinghai University,Xining,Qinghai 810016)
Tulip salt sensitive variety ‘Versace’ was used as material,the stress group(0.4 mol·L-1 NaCl) and the control group (0 mol·L-1 NaCl) were set up through hydroponic culture test.Different tissue parts (root,bulb,aboveground stem,leaf) of tulip were sampled at 0,4,8,12,24,48,72 hours after stress.Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR was used to analyze the spatiotemporal differential expression level of HKT1 gene expression in four tissues at seven times,in order to explore the ability of the HKT1 gene to maintain potassium and sodium ion balance in tulip,further excavate tulip salt tolerance gene and improve tulip salt tolerance mechanism.The results showed that under the induction of NaCl factors,with the continuation of salt stress,HKT1 gene was expressed in all tulip tissues,but the expression abundance was different,indicating that there were differences in the response process of HKT1 gene in various tissues,which was a differential expression gene in the process of tulip salt stress.With the increase of stress time,the expression of HKT1 gene increased first and then decreased in bulbs,aboveground stems and leaves,while maintaining the balance of potassium and sodium ions in the root through continuous high expression is the most sensitive part of tulip in response to salt stress.HKT1 gene was a transcription factor related to the resistance of tulip to salt stress,which was involved in the regulation of tulip to salt stress.The temporal and spatial expression pattern of tulip HKT1 gene obtained in this study showed that it played an important role in the selective absorption of potassium and sodium ions.The research conclusion could provide molecular evidence and effective gene resources for the subsequent study of the of the salt tolerance mechanism of tulip.


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Last Update: 2023-09-27