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Effects of Exogenous Sulfur on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chrysanthemum indicum With Different Cadmium Tolerance Under Cadmium Stress


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Effects of Exogenous Sulfur on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chrysanthemum indicum With Different Cadmium Tolerance Under Cadmium Stress
ZONG ZixuanNI XingyuCHEN ChuyiYUE Liran
(College of Landscape Architecture,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150040)
Chrysanthemum indicumexogenous sulfurcadmium toxicityphotosynthetic characteristics
The effects of different concentrations of exogenous sulfur(S0,2.70 μmol?L-1;S1,1 502.70 μmol?L-1;S2,6 502.70 μmol?L-1) on chlorophyll content and photosynthetic parameters of Chrysanthemum indicum under cadmium stress were investigated by using different cadmium tolerant strains as test materials and hydroponics,in order to explore the mitigating effects of exogenous sulfur on cadmium toxicity in C.indicum.The results showed that the chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate (Pn),stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) of six different cadmium tolerant C.indicum strains were significantly reduced in the presence of Cd (100 μmol?L-1) sufficient sulfur (S1+Cd) compared with the treatment without Cd (0 μmol?L-1) sufficient sulfur (S1-Cd),and intercellular carbon dioxide concentration (Ci) was significantly higher.The chlorophyll content,Pn,Gs and Tr of leaves in the six strains increased to some extent with the increase of sulfur treatment concentration under Cd stress,and Ci decreased significantly.It indicated that the intervention of exogenous sulfur could cause changes in photosynthetic index and chlorophyll content of each strain under cadmium stress,thus alleviating the adverse effects of cadmium toxicity on photosynthesis of C.indicum,with the most significant alleviation effect when excess sulfur (S2) was added.In addition,the chlorophyll content,Pn,Gs and Tr and Ci of the high Cd tolerant strains varied to a lesser extent than those of the medium and low Cd tolerant strains,indicated that the weaker the Cd tolerance of C.indicum itself,the more pronounced the degree of Cd toxicity of sulfur in alleviating its photosynthetic properties.


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Last Update: 2023-08-29