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Effects of Planting Age on Nutrient Input and Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Greenhouse Grape Vineyards


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Effects of Planting Age on Nutrient Input and Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Greenhouse Grape Vineyards
LI Jiawei12HAN Xiuli12WANG Mengdi12ZHANG Zitao12GUO Yanjie13JI Yanzhi13
(1.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding,Hebei 071000;2.Di Hongjie Soil and Environment Laboratory,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding,Hebei 071000;3.Hebei Key Laboratory of Farmland Ecological Environment,Baoding,Hebei 071000)
facility grapesplanting yearsnutrient inputssoil physicochemical properties
S 663.1
Taking 20 facility vineyards with different planting ages as the research object,the method of tracking investigation and experimental analysis was used to explore the influence of different planting ages of facility grapes on nutrient input and soil physicochemical properties,in order to improve the problem of excessive nutrient input and soil degradation in facility vineyards.The results showed that,1) the total nutrient input in the facility vineyard was N 1 158.91-2 221.80 kg·hm-2,P2O5 442.77-865.02 kg·hm-2,and K2O 830.05-1 516.05 kg·hm-2,with organic fertilizer carrying 71.5%,42.7% and 57.3% of the total nutrients,respectively.2) With the increase of planting period,the surface bulk density of the soil in the 1-5 years had increased by 22.83%-23.81% compared to other planting periods;the clay content (<0.002 mm) gradually accumulated in the lower layer with the increase of planting period.3) The soil pH in the 0-20 cm soil layer of grapes planted for more than 15 years decreased by 0.49 units compared with grapes planted for 1-5 years,and the soil pH in the root zone of grapes decreased with the increase of planting period.4) The organic matter content in the 0-20 cm soil layer increased significantly with the planting period,and the content of grapes planted for more than 15 years increased by 21.03%-123.50% compared with other planting periods;the rich or higher level reached 76.19%.The nitrate nitrogen content in the 0-20 cm soil layer increased by 1.46%-147.37% compared with other planting periods in grapes planted for 1-5 years;52.38% of nitrate nitrogen in the 0-20 cm soil layer was lacking level,and it appeared to leach into the deep soil.The contents of available phosphorus and quick-acting potassium increased with the increase of planting period,and the upper layer was higher than the lower layer;the proportion of rich or above level was 90.48%-100.00% and 100.00%,respectively.In summary,the soil nutrients in the facility vineyard exceeded the grape demand with different planting periods.With the increase of planting period,the soil pH in the root zone significantly decreased;the organic matter and phosphorus and potassium content showed an increasing trend at the surface level,but the deep change was not significant;there was a risk of leaching loss of nitrate nitrogen in the soil.


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Last Update: 2023-12-15