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Effects of Corn Straw Composting Strains on Biodiversity During the Composting Process


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Effects of Corn Straw Composting Strains on Biodiversity During the Composting Process
YUAN Tao1AN Qi1LIU Jiali2NIU Yanbo1MENG Liqiang1CAO Yabin1
(1.Institute of Microbiology,Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150010;2.Hebei University of Environmental Engineering/Hebei Key Laboratory of Agroecological Safety,Qinhuangdao,Hebei 066102)
corn strawcompostingstrain screeningbiodiversity
S 141
Corn straw from the northeastern region of China was used as raw material.A laboratory simulator was employed to conduct composting experiments.Dominant bacterial strains suitable for different fermentation temperatures were isolated and screened from the composted straw.After 16S rRNA sequencing and comparison,the isolated strains were prepared as composting agents for straw maturation.These agents were applied in a temperature-controlled reactor to simulate the straw composting process.The effects of straw decomposition agents on microbial diversity and straw weight loss rate during the corn straw composting process were studied in order to accelerate the efficiency.The application of microbial agents which screened from the compile rotting straw had an impact on the microbial community changes of compile rotting straw.After 20 days of gradient heating,the relative abundance of Cellvibrio in the composted corn straw of the mixed microbial agent test group was significantly higher than that of other groups (P<0.05).The straw weight loss rate of the mixed microbial inoculant group prepared by four strains was 16.03% which significantly higher than 12.41% of the control group.The application of microbial agents had a significant effect on the change of biodiversity and straw degradation in the constant temperature composting simulation experiment of corn straw.


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Last Update: 2023-11-16