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Effects of Seed Soaking With Vitamin B6 on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Pepper Under Low Temperature Stress


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Effects of Seed Soaking With Vitamin B6 on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Pepper Under Low Temperature Stress
LUO Taimin1XIANG Mei2XU Wen134
(1.Agricultural College,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025;2.College of Biological Science and Technology,University of Jinan,Jinan,Shandong 250024;3.Engineering Research Center for Protected Vegetable Crops in Higher Learning Institutions of Guizhou Province,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025;4.Pepper Research Institute,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025)
Capsicum annuum L.seedlingsvitamin B6seed soakinglow temperature stress
S 641。3
Taking pepper as test material,a seed soaking treatment method was used,the effects of different concentrations of vitamin B6 solution on pepper seed germination under 4 ℃ low temperature treatment and seedling growth under 12 ℃ low temperature treatment were studied, in order to provide reference for further study of vitamin B6 induced resistance and regulation mechanism of pepper.The results showed that the germination rate,germination potential and germination index of pepper seeds soaked in 100 mg·L-1 vitamin B6 solution under 4 ℃ low temperature stress were significantly higher than those of the control;the pepper seeds soaked in 100 mg·L-1 vitamin B6 solution grew to have two leaves.The malondialdehyde content and O2 production rate of pepper seedlings treated at 12 ℃decreased significantly,and the root activity increased;the pepper seeds soaked in 80 mg·L-1 vitamin B6 solution grew to two leaves,and the root length,plant height and fresh weight of the seedlings were higher than that of the control group after being treated at 12 ℃;the pepper seeds soaked in 40 mg·L-1 vitamin B6 solution grew to two leaves,and the activities of CAT,POD and SOD,and the root activity of pepper seedlings were increased after being treated at 12 ℃.Therefore,the appropriate concentration of vitamin B6 solution could help to reduce the damage of low temperature to pepper seed germination and seedling growth,and improve its low temperature resistance.


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Last Update: 2023-11-22