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Spraying BABA Regulate Reactive Oxygens Metabolism of Wolfberry Fruits to Improve Disease Resistance of Postharvest


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Spraying BABA Regulate Reactive Oxygens Metabolism of Wolfberry Fruits to Improve Disease Resistance of Postharvest
FENG Lidan1LI Jie23HE Jing23LI Yonghui2ZHANG Xu2LIU Xianglin2
(1.College of Food Science and Engineering,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070;2.College of Forestry,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070;3.Gansu Wolfberry Harmless Cultivation Engineering Research Center,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070)
β-Aminobutyric acidwolfberrydisease resistanceactive oxygenantioxidant
The six years old wolfberry ‘Ningqi VII’ was used as the test material,and foliar spraying the β-Aminobutyric acid (BABA).The weight loss rate,natural incidence rate,MDA content,main active oxygen species,antioxidant enzymes and antioxidant substances effect by BABA in the wolfberry fruit were studied,in order to provide reference of wolfberry fresh fruit for enhancing the disease resistance after harvest,reducing fruit decay,and extending the preservation time.The results showed that foliar spraying 1.0 mg?mL-1 BABA before harvest,and induced 21 days could significantly reduce the weight loss rate and natural decay rate of postharvest wolfberry fruits;inhibited the production of O?2 -and H2O2 in fruits;increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD,POD and CAT significantly;improved the activity of APX and GR,increased the content of non enzymatic antioxidants such as ASA and DHA in ASAGSH cycle;and reduced the content of MDA.Therefore,after the first fruit setting of wolfberry foliar sprayed 1.0 mg?mL-1 BABA for every 7 days,which could increase the content of non enzymatic antioxidants and activate the activity of antioxidant enzyme,control the degree of oxidation at a lower level,reduce the decay of fruit effectively,and extend the freshness preservation time.


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Last Update: 2023-08-21