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Effects of Cyanamide and GA3 Treatments on Flower Formation,Fruit Setting and Quality of Sweet Cherry in Solar Greenhouse


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Effects of Cyanamide and GA3 Treatments on Flower Formation,Fruit Setting and Quality of Sweet Cherry in Solar Greenhouse
LI PengchengZHANG JinqiangSU XuedeLI MingYANG XiangWANG Jingjing
(Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Sciences,Key Laboratory of Korla Fragrant Pear Germplasm Innovation,Quality Improvement and Efficiency Enhancement Corps,Shihezi,Xinjiang 832000)
cyanamidegibberellinsweet cherryflowering and fruitingfruit quality
Taking 6-year-old European sweet cherry (Cerasus avium L.Moench.) as test materials,the effects of cyanamide and gibberellin on on flower formation,fruit setting and quality of ‘Meizao’ ‘Samito’‘Pioneer’ ‘Labins’ were studied by treating with regulators before germination and flowering,in order to select the suitable formula for different sweet cherry varieties.The results showed that treatment of sweet cherry flower buds with 50% cyanamide 20 days before germination could improved the germination rate and germination uniformity.Treatment with 20 mg·L-1 GA3 during the petal flattening period of sweet cherry,that was the flowering period,could significantly improve the fruit setting rate and increase the yield and quality of sweet cherry fruit.Therefore,the use of conditioner treatment in the facility could effectively improve the fruit setting rate and yield of sweet cherry fruits.


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Last Update: 2023-09-27