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Optimization of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation System for Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f


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Optimization of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation System for Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f
LI DepingCHEN YimingHE YuanqinDONG HongyuYI YuanhuiLIU Yanjun
(School of Horticulture and Gardening,Tianjin Agricultural University,Tianjin 300392)Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f; basic medium;auxin;orthogonal test
Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f basic mediumauxinorthogonal test
Useing Dendrobium officinale as the test material,the effects of basic culture medium and auxin types on the growth of Dendrobium officinale tissue culture seedlings were studied.Based on this,orthogonal experimental methods were used to analyze the growth performance of Dendrobium officinale tissue culture seedlings under four factors: NAA,hydrolyzed milk protein,MS medium organic components,activated carbon,and three levels of conditions,in order to determine the optimal medium combination,to optimize the tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Dendrobium officinale.The results showed that Anderson medium and auxin NAA were more suitable for the growth of tissue culture seedlings,the plants grew vigorously,and the leaves were large and green;the results of the orthogonal test showed that the organic components of MS medium were the main factors affecting the growth of Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f capsicum tissue culture seedling.Auxin NAA mainly affected plant height,stem diameter,number of leaves,and leaf length,but had no effect on rooting amount;hydrolyzed milk protein mainly affected the rooting amount of tissue culture seedlings,and no effect on plant height,stem diameter,number of leaves and leaf length.Activated carbon had the least effect on the growth of tissue culture seedlings of Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f during the growth process.The test finally determined that the optimal medium for the growth of Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f caps tissue culture seedlings was,Anderson as the basic medium,supplemented with 0.10 g?L-1 activated carbon,1.00 mg?L-1 NAA,0.05 g?L-1 hydrolyzed milk protein,and 1 time MS medium organic ingredients,and add 30 g?L-1 sucrose.This study lay the foundation for the establishment of a high efficiency tissue culture and rapid propagation system for Dendrobium crystallinum Rchb.f.




Last Update: 2023-08-29