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Breeding of a New Pepper Variety ‘Sujiao 12’


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Breeding of a New Pepper Variety ‘Sujiao 12’
YUN Xiaolin1LIU Hua1QI Furong1ZHOU Yating1YUN Wenjun2
(Economic Crops Technology Extending Stations in Gansu Province,Lanzhou,Gansu 730030;Gansu Long-Huan Seed Industry Co.Ltd.,Lanzhou,Gansu 730030)
peppernew variety‘Sujiao 12’F1 hybrid
S 641.3
‘Sujiao 12’ is a new screw pepper cultivar,which is F1 hybrid by Longxi county in Gansu Province local varieties bred inbred lines of excellence for the female parent and the choice of alkaline saline field big horn pepper through system of breeding excellent inbred lines and hybrid pepper varieties.The variety of medium,strong growth potential,plant height is 85 cm,strain is 70 cm,stem base is 1.3 cm thick,the growth potential of medium.The leaves are green in color and ovoid in shape.The initial flower nodes are 10-12 nodes.The stigma is white,the corolla is white,and the anthers are purple.Each plant bears 25-43 fruits,with dark green ripe fruits in the shape of sheep horns.The fruit is at the top,and the sepals at the base are not enveloped.The fruit surface is wrinkled,with a length of 26.5 cm,a diameter of 3.2 cm,and a flesh thickness of 0.31 cm.The single fruit weighs 59.7 g,with a moderate spicy taste and good commercial value.The average yield per 667 m2 in the production experiment was 3 937.4 kg,demonstrating stable high yield.In the field,it is resistant to viruses (CMV) and moderately resistant to viruses (TMV).It has good disease resistance and is suitable for protected cultivation in areas such as Longzhong,Longdongnan,Hexi,Shaanzhong,Ningxia,and similar areas in Gansu Province.In March 2022,it passed the registration of non major crop varieties by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,registration number is GPD pepper (2022) 620059.crop variety registration,registration number is GDP pepper (2022) 620059.


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Last Update: 2023-11-22