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Effects of Salt Stress on Growth and Gas Exchange Parameters of Eggplant Seedlings in Caragana korshinskii Substrate


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Effects of Salt Stress on Growth and Gas Exchange Parameters of Eggplant Seedlings in Caragana korshinskii Substrate
LI Xian1ZHANG Lijuan1ZHU Qiannan1WEI Xiaoqin2ZUO Jiawei2QU Jisong1
(1.Institute of Horticulture,Ningxia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750002;2.Zhongwei Agricultural Technology Extension and Training Center,Zhongwei,Ningxia 755000)
Lycium barbarum branchessalt stresseggplantgrowth and developmentgas exchange parameters
Taking eggplant seedlings as test material,and composted substrate of self-prepared Lycium barbarum branch powder (CS-LBP) as substrate,the comparison of agronomic properties and physiological indexes of eggplant seedlings was conducted,the effects of salt stress on eggplant seedlings grown in CS-LBP were studied,in order to provide reference for seedling production in CS-LBP under saline water irrigation in Northwest China.The results showed that the plant height and stem diameter of eggplant seedlings showed the lowest values under 0.1 mol?L-1 NaCl treatment,which were 5.870 5 cm and 1.260 8 mm and decreased by 38.36% and 37.87% as compared to CK,respectively.Salt stress significantly inhibited the accumulation of dry matter mass of eggplant seedlings,which was decreased by 17.34%,37.93%,72.22% and 37.93%,respectively,compared with CK,along with the increase of salt solution concentration.Moreover,the seedling quality index gradually decreased with the increase of salt solution concentration,which were 11.51%,17.76%,28.60% and 56.33% lower than CK,respectively.Salt stress did not significantly inhibit the root length of seedlings but seriously inhibited the root activity.The chlorophyll content of seedlings decreased with the increase of salt solution concentration and showed a minimum (0.633 5 mg?g-1) under the 0.1 mol?L-1 NaCl treatment.Under salt stress,the MDA content of seedlings increased and reached a maximum at 0.075 mol?L-1 (6.734 μmol?L-1),and then decreased gradually.In contrast,the POD activity increased gradually with the increase of salt stress severity and reached a maximum (30.439 μg?g-1?min-1) at 0.1 mol?L-1.The Pn,Tr,Gs and Ci of eggplant seedlings decreased gradually with the increase of salt stress severity.The highest WUE was 1.726 2,which was observed under 0.05 mol?L-1 treatment.Together,these results suggested that the critical value of salt tolerance of the eggplant variety was 0.05 mol?L-1 under the condition of CS-LBP.


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Last Update: 2022-11-23