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Effects of Bagged Cultivation Pre-harvest on Fruit Quality and Fresh-cut Fresh-keeping Effect of ‘Hongxiangsu’ Pear


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Effects of Bagged Cultivation Pre-harvest on Fruit Quality and Fresh-cut Fresh-keeping Effect of ‘Hongxiangsu’ Pear
HAN Chunhong1WANG Qian1ZHANG Xiangzhan2LI Bo2CHEN Dixin1XUE Huabai2
(1.College of Horticulture and Plant Protection,Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang,Henan 471023;2.Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute,CAAS,Zhengzhou,Henan 450000)
‘Hongxiangsu’ pearbaggedfresh-cutquality
Taking ‘Hongxiangsu’ pear as the test material,the effect of pre-harvest bagged cultivation method on the fruit quality and fresh-cut preservation effect of ‘Hongxiangsu’ pear was studied by the method of pre-harvest bagged,in order to provide reference for fresh-cut fruit and vegetable preservation research.The results showed that the fruit hardness and succinic acid content of bagged pear increased significantly,while the contents of soluble sugar,glucose,fructose and sorbitol decreased significantly.With the extension of storage time,the weight loss rate,browning degree,a* value and b* value of fresh-cut pear increased,the hardness decreased,the contents of soluble solids and soluble sugar increased first and then decreased,and the activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) showed a trend of up-down-up.Bagged culture accelerated the increase of weight loss rate,browning degree,PPO activity,POD activity and total phenol content of fresh-cut pear fruits on the whole,and also accelerated the decrease of soluble solids and soluble sugar content in fruits.The appearance quality of ‘Hongxiangsu’ pear non-bagged cultivation was reduced,but the internal quality could be improved on the whole,and was conducive to fresh-cut and preservation.It was better to choose the pears non-bagged cultivation for fresh-cut and preservation of ‘Hongxiangsu’ pear.


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Last Update: 2023-02-15