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Effects of Dry Heat Shock Treatment on Seed Germination Characteristics of Coriaria nepalensis Wall.Adapted to the Karst Rocky Desertification Environment


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Effects of Dry Heat Shock Treatment on Seed Germination Characteristics of Coriaria nepalensis Wall.Adapted to the Karst Rocky Desertification Environment
XIAO Jiujun1ZHAO Xiaopeng2CHEN Yang1LI Kexiang1ZHANG Lanyue1XING Dan3
(1.Institute of Mountain Resources,Guizhou Academy of Sciences,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001;2.Guiyang College,Guiyang,Guizhou 550005;3.Institute of Sericulture,Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guiyang,Guizhou 550009)
germinationdry heat shockpioneer tree speciesCoriaria nepalensis Wall.
Coriaria nepalensis Wall,an environmentally suitable tree species in rocky desertification areas of southwest China seeds were used as test materials,and the indoor dry thermal shock treatment method was used to study the effect of dry thermal shock treatment before germination on seed germination characteristics,and to explore the adaptive evolution of plants to the long-term interference of high temperature,in order to provide reference for the use of masang to carry out ecological restoration in rocky desertification areas.The results showed that,1) Compared with the control,5 dry heat shock treatments at 60 ℃ (10,20,30 minutes) and 40 ℃ (40,60 minutes) significantly promoted seed germination.These treatments could shorten the plants′ germination start time,germination end time,germination duration,and increase germination rate,germination potential and germination index.Among them,60 ℃ (20 minutes) dry heat shock treatment had the best promoting effect,which indicated that short time and high intensity dry heat shock could promote seed germination to a certain extent.2) The dry heat shock treatment at 80 ℃ had a small inhibitory effect or a slight promoting effect on the germination of Coriaria nepalensis seeds except that the germination initiation time was significantly shortened,indicating that Coriaria nepalensis seeds could not withstand high intensity and long time dry heat shock.3) There are some differences in the time required for different temperature treatments.The time required of dry heat treatment at 40 ℃ was significantly higher than that at 60 ℃ and 80 ℃,while the effect of dry heat shock treatment at high temperature was not good,indicating that the seeds could withstand high intensity instantaneous dry heat shock.The germination ability of seeds was improved under low intensity and moderate time dry heat shock.In conclusion,the seeds of Coriaria nepalensis had obvious thermal shock effect,and the dry and thermal shock treatment at appropriate temperature and time could promote the germination ability of Coriaria nepalensis seeds,and could shorten the germination time and improve the germination rate,germination potential and germination index,which preliminarily revealed the germination adaptation characteristics of Coriaria nepalensis seeds under high temperature conditions.


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Last Update: 2022-10-11