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Analysis of Market Demand of the Flower Industry in Major Cities


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Analysis of Market Demand of the Flower Industry in Major Cities
YANG Deli1LI Zhibin1WANG Hao2LIU Zengjin3
(1.School of Economics and Management,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306;2.Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Henan Tanghe,Nanyang,Henan 473400;3.Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Information,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shanghai 201403)
flower industrymarket demandpurchase behaviorcognitive behaviormodern urban agriculture
A binary Logit model was constructed by using the Shanghai consumer questionnaire data,and the basic characteristics and influencing factors of consumer flower consumption behavior in Shanghai were analyzed from three aspects,individual and family factors,behavioral characteristics and psychological factors,in order to judge the market demand of the urban flower industry.The results showed that,1)the metropolitan flower industry still needed to be improved in the supply and promotion of flower varieties,the service level needed to be improved,and the publicity was small,and the corresponding publicity channels were lacking;2)urban residents had generally purchased flowers,but the purchase behavior had not formed a normal;consumers were not satisfied with the current pricing of urban flowers,and the recognition of Shanghai real estate flowers was low,and the construction of real estate flower brands need to be improved;3)household registration,purchase purpose,accepted price,service satisfaction had the most profound impact on residents′ purchasing behavior.Therefore,it was recommended to propose improvements from the two dimensions of production and sales.In terms of production,the government should encourage enterprises to pay attention to the cultivation of flower varieties and brand building;in terms of sales,enterprises should position the real needs of consumers and stimulate market consumption by broadening sales channels.The government should standardize the price system,establish a standard system,and maintain healthy competition in the market.


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Last Update: 2022-08-31