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Root System and Soil Water Distribution of Kiwifruit Tree Under Water Accumulation and Impermeability Control Technology in Guanzhong Area


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Root System and Soil Water Distribution of Kiwifruit Tree Under Water Accumulation and Impermeability Control Technology in Guanzhong Area
ZOU Heng1XIE Yongsheng12LUO Han12CHEN Dongkai1SHENG Yuzhang1LI Zhen1
(1.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100;2.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Ministry of Water Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100)
soil water contentwater accumulation and impermeability measuresroot systemkiwifruit orchardGuanzhong Area
Taking nine-year-old kiwifruit garden in Guanzhong Area as research object,the soil water content of 0-200 cm profile and the dry weight density of roots in 0-100 cm soil layer was researched,the effects of water accumulation and impermeability measures on the growth and development of kiwifruit roots and the spatial distribution characteristics of soil water were understood,in order to provide reference for the ecological regulation technology of kiwifruit orchard in viscous soil in Guanzhong Area.The results showed that different water accumulation and impermeability measures could cause significant changes in soil water content from 0-200 cm.Treatment Ⅲ (backfilling garden soil with water accumulation and seepage prevention tank + fly ash + chemical fertilizer + organic fertilizer) and Ⅳ (backfilling garden soil with water accumulation and seepage prevention tank + fly ash + chemical fertilizer + distiller′s grains and vinegar grains) eliminated the soil dry layer between 40-100 cm in the experimental orchard in the dry season.After the rainy season,treatment Ⅰ (garden soil backfilled by water accumulation and anti infiltration tank),Ⅱ (garden soil backfilled by water accumulation and anti infiltration tank + chemical fertilizer),Ⅲ and Ⅳ significantly increased the soil water content of 0-100 cm.The water content of treatment Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ in this area increased by 40.04%,50.22%,45.02% and 58.30% compared with CK (blank treatment).Affected by the water accumulation and impermeability measures,the root dry mass 〖JP2〗density under treatment Ⅲ at 0-100 cm away from the trunk between rows was the largest (13 208.5 g?m-3),followed by Ⅰ (4 618.8 g?m-3),Ⅱ (3 289.14 g?m-3) and Ⅳ (1 640.52 g?m-3),and CK was the smallest (1 326.04 g?m-3).The water accumulation and impermeability measures could significantly change the distribution of soil water in different soil layers,reduce or even eliminate the soil dry layer,and promote the biomass accumulation of fruit tree roots in wet soil layers.In conclusion,the effect of treatment Ⅲ was better than that of Ⅱ,Ⅰ and Ⅳ.


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Last Update: 2022-08-31