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Numerical Classification of Actinidia arguta Planch Germplasm Resources According Phenotypic Characters


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Numerical Classification of Actinidia arguta Planch Germplasm Resources According Phenotypic Characters
WANG DonglaiZHOU WenjieYAO PingZHAO FengjunHUANG Guohui
(Institute of Advanced Characteristic Agriculture Studies,Liaodong University/Key Laboratory of Blueberry Breeding and Postharvest Handling,Liaoning Province/Innovation Cooperation Center of Blueberry Industry of Liaodong,Dandong,Liaoning 118003)
Actinidia arguta Planchphenotypic charactersnumerical classification
Twenty-four germplasm of Actinidia arguta Planch collected from Northeast China were used as materials.Q type cluster,R type cluster and principal component analysis were performed.The leaf characters,buds and shoots characters,flower and fruit characters were investigated.Among the 31 phenotypic traits,there were 1 qualitative binary character,10 multivariate quality characters and 20 qualitative polymorphic characters.The further relationship between Actinidia arguta Planch germplasm resources and phenotypic characters were explored,in order to provide reference for the development and utilization of Actinidia arguta Planch germplasm resources.The results showed that among 20 numerical characters,the single fruit weight was the largest and the coefficient of variation was 44.22%,and the smallest coefficient of variation of the flower diameter was 7.38%.The result of R cluster analysis showed that 31 phenotypic characters were divided into four groups at the squared euclidean distance of 17.21,of which the shape of the calyx shape was far away from other characters.The result of Q cluster analysis showed that 24 Actinidia arguta Planch germplasm resources were divided into four groups at the square euclidean distance of 20.08.Phenotypic characters such as leaf length,leaf width,leaf thick and petiole length could be used as important indexes to distinguish different types of Actinidia arguta Planch.Classification results of 24 Actinidia arguta Planch germplasm resources by principal component analysis was similar to the results of Q cluster analysis.Phenotypic characters such as leaf length,the traits of fruit,leaf thick and internode length could be used as important indexes to distinguish different types of Actinidia arguta Planch.In summary,there were abundant phenotypic characters in Actinidia arguta Planch.14 phenotypic characters such as fruit longitudinal diameter played an important role in the numerical classification.


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Last Update: 2022-07-04