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Evaluation of Cross Affinity Between Distant and Intervarietal Varieties of Old Chinese Rose


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Evaluation of Cross Affinity Between Distant and Intervarietal Varieties of Old Chinese Rose
YIN Shihua1WANG Kang1HUANG Xiaoxia1LI Shubin2CHENG Xiaomao1
(1.College of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture Sciences,Southwest Forestry University/Southwest Research Center for Engineering Technology of Landscape Architecture (State Forestry and Grassland Administration),Kunming,Yunnan 650224;2.National Engineering Research Center For Ornamental Horticulture,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Kunming,Yunnan 650205)
old Chinese rosehybridcompatibilityselection of parents
5 old Chinese rose cultivars,3 wild rose cultivars and 22 modern rose cultivars were used as test materials.Using conventional artificial pollination hybridization methods,combined with pollen vigor and ploidy determination,the hybrid compatibility between old Chinese rose distant relatives and varieties were studied,and high-affinity hybrid parents were screened out,in order to provide a reference for the hybridization breeding and parent selection of old Chinese roses.The results showed that the hybridization compatibility among old Chinese rose varieties was the highest,the hybridization success rate of the matched combinations was 87.50%,the distant hybridization compatibility between old Chinese rose,wild rose and modern rose was higher,and the hybridization success rates of the matched combination was higher than 50%,indicating that the distant hybri dization compatibility and the hybridization compatibility between old Chinese rose varieties were better.Therefore,in hybridization,selecting old Chinese rose as parent material had better hybridization compatibility effect.The hybridization compatibility of old Chinese rose was related to pollen vigor,parental ploidy,positive and negative cross,etc.All factors should be taken into consideration when selecting rose parents to improve the success rate of rose hybridization.Combining with the result of artificial pollination,interspecific hybridization and distant hybridization,the cultivars could be used as female parents of Rosa odorata var.gigantea,Rosa ‘Xiao Hua Xiang Shui’ and Rosa chinensis Jacq.,Rosa laevigata Michx.and Rosa ‘Lovely Green’ could be used as male parents.


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Last Update: 2021-12-21