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Genetic Diversity Analysis of AFLP With Different Altitude Lonicera caerulea in Changbai Mountain


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Genetic Diversity Analysis of AFLP With Different Altitude Lonicera caerulea in Changbai Mountain
GE Lili1LI Wei1XUE Jungang2QI Qige1GAO Xin1ZHANG Qichang1
(1.Forestry College,Beihua University,Jilin,Jilin 132013;2.Changbai Mountain Nature Conservation and Management Center,Erdaobaihe,Jilin 133613)
Lonicera caeruleaaltitudeAFLPgenetic diversity
Taking the wild Lonicera caerulea of four altitude gradient that including 600 m,1 000 m,1 400 m and 1 800 m in Changbai Mountain of Jilin Province.AFLP molecular marker technology was used,the genetic diversity of wild blue honeysuckle between different altitude was studied,in order to provide reference for the conservation and utilization of wild resources of Lonicera caerulea and the breeding of high-quality germplasm resources.The results showed that the averages of genetic diversity index was 0.467 5,and the averages of Shannon information index was 0.660 2.The total gene diversity was 0.462 0 and the gene differentiation coefficient was 0.006 5,that suggests genetic diversity was higher among populations at different altitudes.The genetic diversity of each population from high to low was 1 400 m,1 000 m,680 m and 1 800 m.Based on genetic distance,the four altitudes were divided into two groups by unweighted group mean method (UPGMA),among which one was the low altitudes 600 m and 1 000 m and another was high altitude 1 400 m and 1 800 m.


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Last Update: 2021-12-21