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Analysis on the Competitiveness of Beijing City Strawberry Industry


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Analysis on the Competitiveness of Beijing City Strawberry Industry
HUANG Jing1LIU Ruihan1JIAO Yuying2ZONG Jing3ZHU Ning4
(1.Economics and Management School,Beijing Agricultural University/Research Base of Beijing New Rural Construction,Beijing 102206;2.Yanqing Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Beijing 102100;3.Beijing Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Beijing 100029;4.Changping Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Beijing 102200)
industrial competitivenesscomparative advantage indexdifferentiated competitionBeijing citystrawberry
In order to analyze the regional competitive advantage of Beijing city strawberry industry in China and continuously improve its own competitiveness,the industrial competitiveness of Beijing city strawberry were systematically studied by using statistical data and relevant index which were chosen to evaluate the industrial competitiveness.The results showed that except for the large gap with Liaoning Province,the comprehensive comparative advantage index of Beijing local strawberry industry from 2014 to 2018 was higher than that of the other four major strawberry producing areas,which meant Beijing possesses relatively high industrial competitiveness across the whole country.The main factors affecting the continued improvement of Beijing city strawberry industry competitiveness follows,first,the main planted varieties were single and the species degradation phenomenon emerges.At the same time,the quality guarantee of seedlings was insufficient and the cultivation technology need to be improved,resulting in its yield level lower than the main strawberry producing provinces as well as the national average level.Second,the capabilities of brand operation and market exploitation were still inadequate.Therefore,it was suggested to implement the seedling quality improvement project,enrich the mainly-planted strawberry varieties,focus on brand marketing and differentiated competition etc.,so as to comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the industry and the continuous improvement of its competitiveness.Hoping these measures will make greater industrial contributions to the continuous income growth of strawberry farmers and the meeting of consumers′ diverse needs.




Last Update: 2021-12-21