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Effects of Paclobutrazol on the Growth and Development of Two Dendranthema Varieties


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Effects of Paclobutrazol on the Growth and Development of Two Dendranthema Varieties
ZHANG Yifan12YAO Feifei12HUANG Yanlu12YU Xiaoying12XU Lu12
(1.College of Horticulture,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha,Hunan 410128;2.Hunan Mid-subtropical Quality Plant Breeding and Utilization Engineering Technology Research Center,Changsha,Hunan 410128)
paclobutrazoldendranthemapotted plantgrowthdevelopment
Two dendranthema varieties,‘Ziyan Fanfei’ and ‘Qingchuan Yongcui’ were used as materials,and different concentrations treatment was carried out.The growth retardant paclobutrazol solution was used for root irrigation treatment,and the growth and development of dendranthema after root irrigation treatment were analyzed.The appropriate concentration of paclobutrazol in dendranthema dwarf cultivation,in order to provide reference for the rational application of paclobutrazol in dendranthema plant shape and flowering control.The results showed that,1) the 600 mg?L-1 paclobutrazol solution had the strongest growth inhibition on the two dendranthema varieties,and the plant dwarfing effect was the best,but the stems were thinner and the number of leaves was less,while the 1 000 mg?L-1 paclobutrazol solution treatment was dwarfing.The effect was second only to the 600 mg?L-1 concentration treatment,but the stem thickness was relatively thicker than 600 mg?L-1,the number of leaves was more,and the plant growth was better.2) Different paclobutrazol concentrations had different effects on the budding and flowering of ‘Ziyan Fanfei’,400 mg?L-1 treatment buds the earliest but the latest flowering,200 mg?L-1 treatment buds late but the earliest flowering and the largest flower diameter;after the paclobutrazol solution treatment,the budding and flowering time of the ‘Qingchuan Yongcui’ were the earliest in the 1 000 mg?L-1 treatment group,the 200 mg?L-1 treatment had the latest budding and the smallest flower diameter,and the 600 mg?L-1 treatment had the least number of dendranthema buds,except for the 200 mg?L-1 treatment.Outside the group,other concentration treatments all promoted the increase of flower diameter.It can be seen that paclobutrazol has different effects on the growth and development of ‘Ziyan Fanfei’ and ‘Qingchuan Yongcui’ dendranthemas.The high growth of the two varieties was obviously inhibited,which lead to the delay of budding and flowering time and the number of buds but the two varieties behaved differently on the maximum flower diameter morphology index.


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Last Update: 2022-01-04