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Effects of Two Tree Shapes on Fruit Quality and Yield of Korla Fragrant Pear


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Effects of Two Tree Shapes on Fruit Quality and Yield of Korla Fragrant Pear
DING Xiang1ZHOU Weiquan1Maihemuti?TURUPU1FENG Yuhui1FAN Guoquan2LIAO Kang1
(1.College of Forestry and Horticulture,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830052;2.Luntai National Fruit Germplasm Resources Garden in Xinjiang,Luntai,Xinjiang 841600)
Korla fragrant pearspindle shapethe fruit qualityyield
The spindle shape and evacuation layered shape Korla fragrant pears were used as the research material,the tree structure of single tree of Korla fragrant pear was investigated,and the appearance quality,internal quality and yield of Korla fragrant pear were measured at fruit maturity period,so as to explore the influence of the spindle shape on the fruit quality and yield of Korla fragrant pears,and provide reference for simplified cultivation.The results showed that the yield of per plant of the evacuation layered shape tree was higher than that of the spindle shape tree,butthe yield of per unit area was significantly higher than that of the evacuation layered tree,because the spindle shape tree had the higher planting density.The yield of the 5-year-old tree could reach 3 16380 kg per 667 m2,showing early fruit and high yield,and the fruit size of each part of the canopy was the same.The weight of a single fruit weight was about 113 g.The yield was mainly concentrated in the middle and lower canopy.The calyx shedding rate of the spindle shaped tree fruit was significantly higher than that of the evacuation layered tree,and the protruding top fruit rate was significantly lower than that of the evacuation layered tree.The hardness and titratable acid content of the two shaped tree fruits were similar.The soluble solids and total sugar content of the fruit of spindle shape tree were higher,with an average of 1268% and 929%,respectively.To sum up,the spindle shape tree has early fruit and higher yield.The quality indexes are better than that of the evacuation layered tree.


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Last Update: 2021-07-12