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Effects of Differrent Foreign Aid Nutrient Solution on the Growth of Pleurotus nebrodensis


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Effects of Differrent Foreign Aid Nutrient Solution on the Growth of Pleurotus nebrodensis
YIN Chuan1BAN Litong2HUANG Liang2SUN Ning2LI Yiting2ZHOU Jun2
(1.Department of Scientific & Technology,Tianjin Agricultural University,Tianjin 300384;2.College of Agronomy and Resources Environmental,Tianjin Agricultural University,Tianjin 300384)
Pleurotus nebrodensismushroom roots nutrition solutionyieldbiological character
Taking strain TN01 of Pleurotus nebrodensis as test matrial,the main components of foreign aid nutrient solutions from three mushroom roots were determined.And the effect of different kinds and concentrations of foreign aid nutrient solution on the mycelial and fruiting body growth of Pleurotus nebrodensis was studied,in order to provide the basis for high yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus nebrodensis.The results showed that the mycelial growth rate of Pleurotus nebrodensis was obviously improved compared with the PDA medium when the white Hypsizygus marmoreus root extract solution was added into the solid medium.The traits of fruiting bodies from Pleurotus nebrodensis added foreign aid nutrient solution changed little,while the growth of Pleurotus nebrodensis fruiting body was promoted by foreign aid nutrient solution,and the highest fruiting body yield of Pleurotus nebrodensis was obtained by solid medium mixed with Lentinus edodes root extract solution.Besides,the total production was improved 54.6% than that of the control.Nitrate content and protein contents of the Pleurotus nebrodensis fruiting bodies were increased in the groups treated by adding Lentinus edodes root extract solution,while the nitrite contents and crude fiber content of the Pleurotus nebrodensis fruiting bodies were not raised.


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Last Update: 2021-06-07