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Current Situation and Analysis of Nutrient Management in Peach Orchards of Beidulehe Village


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Current Situation and Analysis of Nutrient Management in Peach Orchards of Beidulehe Village
WANG RijunLIU WenjingLI MengqiLI ZiyueMIAO QiHUANG Chengdong
(College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100093)
peach orchardsfarmernutrient managementanalysis
In order to understand the current status of nutrient management in the peach orchard in Beidulehe village,Pinggu district,Beijing city,the method of randomly determining the survey samples was used to investigate the nutrient management status of the peach orchard of farmers,combined with the analysis of nutrient absorption characteristics of peach trees,to provide a scientific basis for the rational management of peach orchard nutrients.The results showed that in terms of nutrient input,the average input of N,P,and K was N 1 0049 kg?hm-2,P2O5 705 kg?hm-2,K2O 1 065 kg?hm-2,which were 52 times,92 times and 43 times the nutrient requirements of peach trees.In terms of fertilization structure,429% of the peach orchards of farmers only used chemical fertilizers throughout the year,ignoring the input of organic fertilizers.In the fertilization period,60% and 40% of the farmers choosed to apply the basal fertilizer in autumn and spring respectively.Only 57% of the farmers applied the basal fertilizer 3 times after the basal fertilizer,and the rest were less than 3 times.It was recommended that the peach orchard should use chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers to control the amount of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium fertilizers;apply basal fertilizers in autumn (September-November),and pay attention to the number of topdressing,so as to achieve the purpose of rational management of peach orchards.


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Last Update: 2021-08-06