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Research Progress on Fruit Cracking Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Pomegranate Fruit


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Research Progress on Fruit Cracking Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Pomegranate Fruit
LIU Dan12LIU Peng3LIU Binghua4JIA Ming4QI Yukun4ZHAO Dengchao4
(1.College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083;2.Center for Forest Genetic Resource of Shandong Province,Jinan,Shandong 250102;3.China National Forestry and Grassland Economics and Development Research Center,Beijing 100083;4.Shandong Academy of Forestry,Jinan,Shandong 250014)
pomegranatecrackingvarietyinfluencing factors
Pomegranate is one of the important fruits not only as healthy fruit but also as economical production.It could be used for many purposes,such as a fresh fruit,juice,jam,medicine.However,pomegranate tree could be grown in wide range of conditions,and during its growth and development,pomegranate fruit would crack,resulting in the decline of fruit quality,seriously affected the economic benefits of fruit farmers.This study reviewed the factors that cause cracking pomegranate fruit and how to control cracking.The cracking of pomegranate fruits might have occurred due to variety,mineral nutrients,water management,fruit maturity,pests and diseases.This study provided that the theoretical and scientific basis for reach high quality of production and avoided or reduce any factors that destroy it.


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Last Update: 2021-06-07