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Landscape Planning and Design of Harbin Central Park Based on Rainwater Collection Function


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Landscape Planning and Design of Harbin Central Park Based on Rainwater Collection Function
XIAO Bing1HE Rumeng2LI Mengyu2GAO Yanbing3WANG Daqing4
(1.College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Zhongkai College of Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510225;2.College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin,Heilongjing 150030;3.Fushun Economic Development Zone Sub-bureau,Fushun City Planning Bureau,Fushun,Liaoning 113006;4.Hainan Haikou University of Economics,Haikou,Hainan 571127)
Harbin Central ParkGIS technologylandscape planning and designrainwater collection and utilization design
Taking Harbin Central Park as the research object,based on the construction concept of ‘sponge city’,the terrain and geomorphic factors of Harbin Central Park with GIS technology were analyzed,so as to realize different rainwater collection methods in different planning areas and to improve the utilization rate of rainwater resources.The results showed that the elevation of the Central Park was 161-194 m,the slope was between 0°-15°,there were 8 slopes and 6 virtual river networks;the total rainfall of the park was 778 480 m3,and the actual rainwater collection was 138 970 m3,accounting for only 17.9% of the total rainfall.Therefore,the abandoned flow tank with a total volume of 350 m3 and 5 reservoirs with a total volume of 1 825 m3 were set up.Harbin Central Park planning was divided into ecological landscape area,forest health area,leisure and sports area and fun area.Taking the ecological landscape area as an example,this study showed the infiltration and collection of rainwater.The central lake was set in this area as a reservoir.The design of rainwater garden and sunken green space increased the infiltration of rainwater.


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Last Update: 2021-02-19