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Effects of Boron Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth of Pepper


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Effects of Boron Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth of Pepper
HAN ShuangCUI YujieYAN XiaodanLIU WeiminHAN ZhuangPEI Dongli
(Department of Biological and Food,Shangqiu Normal University/Key Laboratory of Plant-Microbe Interactions,Shangqiu,Henan 476000)
Capsicum annuum boron content ultrastructure of chloroplast
The conventional pepper variety V11 was used as the test material,using the potted method,the effects of 2.5,10.0,50.0 μmol?L-1 three boron levels concentrations on the growth,boron accumulation in leaves,photosynthesis and chloroplast ultrastructure of pepper were studied,in order to provide theoretical support for the boron management of pepper.The results showed that the leaves shrunk and the tip yellowing occurred after the treatment of 50.0 μmol?L-1 for 14 days,the yellowing degree was aggravated and the growth point died after the treatment of 21 days,and the yellowing phenomenon also appeared in the treatment of 10.0 μmol?L-1.With the increase of the concentration of boric acid treatment,the boron accumulation in the pepper plants increased significantly.Compared with 2.5 μmol?L-1,the root system and the whole plant dry mass of the 50.0 μmol?L-1 and 10.0 μmol?L-1 plants significantly declined.Excessive boron leads to a decrease in photosynthetic rate,deformation of chloroplast structure,abnormal plant growth,and decreased biomass.


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Last Update: 2021-02-02