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Effects of Irrigation Amount and Planting Density on Yield and Seed Traits of Seed Melon


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Effects of Irrigation Amount and Planting Density on Yield and Seed Traits of Seed Melon
(Institute of Crop Research,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Sicience/Key Lab of Xinjiang Production and Construction Crops for Cereal Quality Research and Genntic Improvement,Shihezi,Xinjiang 832000)
‘Xinzigua 6’irrigation amountplanting densityyieldgrain traits
‘Xinzigua 6’,a high yield and disease resistant seed melon variety,was used as the test material.Three irrigation amount treatments were set,low water amount of 2 250 m3?hm-2 (W1),medium water amount of 3 750 m3?hm-2 (W2),high water amount of 5 250 m3?hm-2 (W3) and four density treatments,high density of 67 500 plants?hm-2 (D1),medium and high density of 52 500 plants?hm-2 (D2),medium density of 45 000 plants?hm-2 (D3) and low density of 37 500 plants?hm-2 (D4) were set up to study the effects of different irrigation amount and planting density on the yield and component factors of ‘Xinzigua 6’.In addition,in order to provide reference for high yield cultivation of ‘Xinzigua 6’,the best combination of irrigation amount and planting density for high yield of ‘Xinzigua 6’ was explored in the ecological area through analyzing the effect of different treatments on the traits of seed melon.The results showed that the yield of seed melon was positively correlated with the harvest melonnumbers,the number of melons per plant,the yield of seeds per melon,the number of effective seeds per melon and the dry weight of seeds per melon.Although increasing irrigation amount has little effect on the number of harvest plants and the weight of single melon,but it can increase the number of sitting melon and the number of fruit per plant,so as to increase the seed yield of single melon and the yield of seed melon.Additionally,the number of harvested plants and melons decreased with the decrease of planting density,but the number of melons per plant,the weight of single melon and the yield of seeds per melon increased with the decrease of planting density,moreover,the yield of seed melon was the highest at the middle density of 45 000 plants?hm-2.Under the condition of low irrigation amount (2 250 m3?hm-2),the yield of seed melon was the highest at medium and high density of 52 500 plants?hm-2 and then decreased with the increase of plant spacing.Under the condition of medium irrigation amount (3 750 m3?hm-2),the yield of seed melon was 2 564.94 kg?hm-2 at medium density of 45 000 plants?hm-2.Under the condition of high irrigation amount (5 250 m3?hm-2),the yield of seed melon increased first and then decreased with the decrease of planting density,and the yield of seed melon was significantly higher than that of other treatments when the planting density was 45 000 plants?hm-2,and the yield was 2 741.80 kg?hm-2.In conclusion,when the irrigation amount was low,it was difficult to get high yield of seed melon when the planting density was large or small.When the irrigation amount was 5 250 m3?hm-2,there was little difference between the seed melon yield and the irrigation amount of 3 750 m3?hm-2 under the optimum planting density.Considering the water-saving irrigation,the irrigation amount of 3 750 m3?hm-2 and the planting density of 45 000 plants?hm-2 were the best irrigation and high yield of ‘Xinzigua 6’ in Shihezi Reclamation Area planting density combination.


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Last Update: 2021-02-02