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Genetic Analysis of Flowering and Fruit Traits in Hybrid Progeny of Male Sterile Germplasm ‘JMS2’ in Chinese Jujube


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Genetic Analysis of Flowering and Fruit Traits in Hybrid Progeny of Male Sterile Germplasm ‘JMS2’ in Chinese Jujube
YAN Fenfen1WANG Jiurui2WU Cuiyun1LIU Mengjun2
(1.College of Plant Science,Tarim University/The National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of High Efficiency and Superior-Quality Cultivation and Fruit Deep Processing-Technology of Featured Fruit Trees in Southern Xinjiang,Alar,Xinjiang 843300;2.Research Center of Chinese Jujube,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,Hebei 071001)
Chinese jujubehybrid progenymale sterilityflowering traitsfruit traits
The 179 progenies of ‘JMS2’ × Sour jujube ‘Xing 16’ and 23 progenies of ‘JMS2’בJiao 5’ were used as test materials,the genetic variation characteristics of flowering and fruit trait of two hybrid progenies with the same mother and different fathers were studied by using the method of apparent character investigation.The results showed that the flowering rate of biennial seedlings was 61.45% and 43.48% in the two hybrid progenies respectively,and the amount of flowering was proportional to plant height and stem diameter.The bud splitting time of Chinese jujube was a quality trait controlled by alleles,which showing that the day opening type and night opening type were separated 1∶1 in both progenies populations.The male sterility of Chinese jujube was homozygous and recessive,judging by the offspring of both hybrid progenies were male fertility.In addition,the morphological traits of fruit shape and hollow cavities were separated,and the F1 mean value of fruit weight,fruit transverse diameter,fruit longitudinal diameter and fruit type index was significantly lower than the median value,which showing a trend of small variation,of which the variable coefficient of single fruit weight was the largest,and the fruit type index was the smallest.The single fruit weight and transverse and longitudinal diameter of ‘JMS2’בJiao 5’ seedlings were significantly greater than that of ‘JMS2’×Sour jujube ‘Xing 16’,indicating that the inheritance of fruit size was greatly influenced by the male parent.


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Last Update: 2020-12-24