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Cloning and Expression Analysis of [STBX]PpTIFY10b[STBZ] Gene in Peach Fruit


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Cloning and Expression Analysis of [STBX]PpTIFY10b[STBZ] Gene in Peach Fruit
YIN YaruiWU JunkaiWANG HaijingSONG LiqinXIAO XiaoZHANG Libin
(College of Horticulture Science and Technology,Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology,Qinhuangdao,Hebei 066600)
Prumus persica[STBX]PpTIFY10b[STBZ] genecloningtissue expression
In order to further clarify the resistance mechanism of peach,determine the resistance-related gene [STBX]PpTIFY10b[STBZ],preliminarily explore the function of this gene in peach growth,[STBX]PpTIFY10b[STBZ] gene was cloned from the fruits of ‘Jinghong’ peach and its mutants by homologous cloning technology,and its quantitative expression and bioinformatics analysis were carried out.Flourescence quantitative PCR was used to anylyze the expression of the gene in ‘Jinghong’ peach and its mutants and provide data support for further revealing the resistance mechanism of peach.The results showed that the open reading frame of the gene was 639 bp,encoding 213 amino acids,and theoretical pI was 9.04.It was a hydrophilic unstable protein mainly composed of serine.Homology comparison and structural analysis revealed that TIFY10b protein had high similarity with other plant proteins,and had the highest consistency with Prunus mume.It contained a TIFY functional domain and a CCT motif.The results of quantitative fluorescence PCR showed that the expression of the gene was the higherin the physiological maturity stage of the two peaches,but there was a significant difference between them.That meant the gene expression of bud mutant lines was up-regulated at the S1 and S4 stages,and was significantly higher than that of ‘Jinghong’ peaches.The results of this study provided biological information support for understanding the research of peach in abiotic stress.


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Last Update: 2021-02-02