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Mechanism of Adding AM Fungi,Vermicompost and Degradation Bacteria to the Improvement of Reductive Soil Disinfestation


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Mechanism of Adding AM Fungi,Vermicompost and Degradation Bacteria to the Improvement of Reductive Soil Disinfestation
YU ShuangZOU HongtaoZHANG YulingDU ZhideYE Xuhong
(College of Land and Environment,Shenyang Agricultural University/Northeast Key Laboratory of Conservation and Improvement of Cultivated Land,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866)
reductive soil disinfestation Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinunArbuscular Mycorrhiza fungidegrading bacteriavermicompost
The mechanism of inhibiting Fusarium oxysporum growth was studied by applying Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi,degrading bacteria and vermicompost to improve the Reductive Soil Disinfestation method.In order to solve the problems of incomplete removal of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinun by reductive soil disinfestation in soil.The results showed that the soil pH reached 6.0 by adding degrading bacteria and vermicompost.The contents of NO-3,SO2-4 significantly reduced by adding vermicompost and increased the content of NH+4 in the soil;the contents of culturable bacteria and fungi in soil during flooding were significantly increased by adding vermicompost and degrading bacteria,and the contents of Fusarium oxysporum were reduced by 99.0% in the treatment of adding vermicompost and degrading bacteria after drying compared with the control.The treatment of degrading bacteria combined with corn straw continued to kill 97.0% of pathogenic bacteria during the drying period,and the treatment of corn straw combined with vermicompost significantly improved the control effect of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinun,the control effect was 86.7%.In RSD method with corn straw as organic matter,the bactericidal rate of adding vermicompost and degrading bacteria was higher than that of corn straw alone.The inhibitory effect was better in the same time,and effectively improve the control effect of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinun,which was of great significance to the control of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinun.


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Last Update: 2021-01-21