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Effects of Land Use Patterns on Active Organic Carbon Components and Carbon Pool Activity of Urban Lawn Soil


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Effects of Land Use Patterns on Active Organic Carbon Components and Carbon Pool Activity of Urban Lawn Soil
LIU QianZHANG TenglongYANG ChengduFANG Zhenyi
(College of Landscape Architecture,Changchun University,Changchun,Jilin 130000)
urban lawnland useactive organic carboncarbon pool activity
With the development of urbanization,the urban soil ecological environment is also changing.In this study,lawn soils with different land use patterns (parks,streets,campuses,residential areas) were taken as research objects.The effects of land use and soil management patterns on physical and chemical properties,organic carbon (SOC),highly active and oxidizable organic carbon (HROOC),moderately active and oxidizable organic carbon (MROOC),low active and oxidizable organic carbon (LROOC) content and carbon of urban lawn soils were discussed.The results showed that under different land use patterns,pH of urban lawn soil was weak acid soil;soil water content had no significant difference in the vertical distribution of soil;soil conductivity decreased gradually with the deepening of soil layer,and soil bulk density increased with the increase of soil layer.Different land use patterns had obvious effects on soil organic carbon and active components of urban lawn,among which the content of organic carbon and easily oxidized organic carbon in park was the highest,followed by residential area,park and street.In the vertical distribution of soil,the content of organic carbon and oxidized organic carbon in urban lawn soil under different land use patterns decreased gradually with the deepening of soil layer.


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Last Update: 2020-12-24